By acceleration of globalization and changes in the economic environment, and adopt means of excellent human resources, teaching methods are diverse. While capture these changes in time, we are focusing on business support to meet the needs of different customers.
All starts with talent. Only then adopt the best talent, companies can breakthrough. Eliminates the mismatch of people and businesses, and support the growth of the company. Will continue to contribute to the revitalization of the Japanese economy to lead the world.
From the extensive experience of many years, to facilitate the acquisition and analysis of marketing data in jobs media a number of, and to understand the issues and needs of customers, we, we will propose the best recruitment method. In various aspects that occur in recruitment activities, and we will respond in generous follow.
In particular, technical jobs adoption and other engineers (science adoption), from performance and marketing of its own, I have a niche. Performs attract customers and branding according to attributes and oriented job seekers the target, made full use of (tie-up, etc. with information system portal site) original plan, and realize the adoption of high satisfaction degree, also support strategic we have been.
◎Planning of strategy and planning to an end
- Consulting on recruitment
- Hearing of the current situation(issues and problems and objectives)
- Market analysis, marketing
- Planning of recruitment branding
- Planning Adoption creative tools
- Adoption of global human resources
◎Handling recruitment advertising media and various adoption support services
- Various media jobs(New graduates and mid-time)= WEB · magazine event
- Aptitude diagnostic tool
- HR outsourcing
- Aptitude diagnostic tool
- About Us tool(Brochure, recruitment site, video, etc.)
- Applicant management tools(Centralized management of multiple jobs media)
- Recruitment Service(new graduates and mid)
◎Adoption assistance utilizing social media
【Features of Social Recruiting】
- Improvement of efficiency adoption dramatic two-way communication
- Approach to the target that could not be reach
- Medium-and long-term branding
- Viral to the target from the target
- planning and production of the facebook page
- facebook application development
- Social Recruiting Marketing
- Social media cooperation employment event
- リクナビNEXT
- マイナビ転職
- イーキャリア
- @type
- 営業の転職@type
- 女の転職@type
- 日経キャリアNET
- Japan Times Jobs
- Re就活
- その他
- マイナビ
- 就活ラボ
- アスリート就職ナビ
- ダイヤモンド就活ナビ
- 学情ナビ
- ブンナビ
- その他
- an
- マイナビバイト
- バイトルドットコム
- その他
- anウィークリー
- Free an
- ジョブアイデム
- 求人ジャーナル
- Workin
- ジョブキタ
- アルキタ
- 求人案内
- キャリアザウルス
- その他
- マイナビ転職EXPO、マイナビ転職セミナー、マイナビエンジニアセミナー
- @typeエンジニア適職フェア
- DODA転職フェア
- その他全国地方開催イベント
- マイナビ就職EXPO、マイナビ就職セミナー、マイナビ国際派就職EXPO
- アクセス就職セミナー、ウニプラッツ関連
- アスリート就職セミナー
- ダイヤモンド就活ナビ合同会社説明会
- 合同企業セミナー「就職博」
- その他全国地方開催イベント